AI For Business Leaders

Nanodegree key: nd054

Version: 1.0.0

Locale: en-us

Formulate and evaluate proposals grounded in first principles when assessing opportunities to embed machine learning and artificial intelligence into a corporate strategy.


Part 01 : Welcome to the AI for Business Leaders Executive Program

Welcome! You'll learn all about Udacity and what to expect while you work through your program.

Part 02 : AI for Business Leaders

The AI for Business Leaders program is designed for those looking to deepen their understanding of Artificial Intelligence and the innovations in the field of Machine Learning that have driven its recent progress. The program is designed to arm students with a deep but approachable knowledge of how these systems work and what it takes to put them into practice. Throughout the program, we’ll follow a fictitious retailer in order to gain practice in making discriminating judgements on what AI use cases might be best for a given business at a given point in time. In the final project, students will replicate this experience, applying a similar series of exercises to a business of their choosing.