AI 产品经理

Nanodegree key: nd088-cn

Version: 1.0.0

Locale: en-us

驱动 AI 产品商业化落地,用 AI 为业务赋能,成为炙手可热稀缺人才


Part 01 : Welcome to the Nanodegree

Part 02 : Introduction to AI in Business

Learn the foundations of AI and how these technologies can learn from data and improve or inform product development.

Part 03 : Creating a Dataset

Build a custom data annotation job to create novel datasets.

Part 04 : Build a Model

Learn how to train and evaluate a neural network using automated machine learning tools.

Part 05 : Measuring Impact and Updating Models

As a product manager, you should be constantly looking to improve your machine learning models and product; learn strategies to mitigate bias, scale a product, and continuously update a model.